Jun 4, 2010

In Search of... Seniors!!!

Now that finals are done, and your Junior year is over, you've got a lot on your mind. How to spend this official last summer of "high school", if you're going to get a summer job, where everyone's going on vacation. One thing you don't want to think about is having your Senior Pictures taken. Let's cross it off your list, and get you a great deal while we're at it. Have your Senior photos taken during the month of June and qualify for being a senior representative for MEBS photography.

What is a Senior Rep? Well, a senior rep gets their pictures taken, and then those pictures are used to let other classmates and friends know about MEBS Photography by passing out your picture with my contact information on it.

Why would you want to be Senior Rep? Because you get the sitting fee (a $150.00 value ) waived and get a discount on all prints that you order. Not to mention print credit for any friends that are referred by you.

When do you need to sign up? You need to have your session before the month of June is over, and act fast because it's only 1 rep per school, done on a first come first served basis.

Just contact Meggan at 901-319-2383 or you can reach me by email at megganboston@gmail.com. Can't wait to meet ya!

1 comment:

Cortney said...

Just posted something on Facebook to get the word out. People really need to know how great you are. Love ya!