Jul 27, 2011

M Family: Memphis TN Family Photographer

I thought I would take a break from all the Senior portrait gorgeousness to focus on some of the awesome families I've been able to meet in the last month. Don't worry though, there are still more seniors to be blogged! This week I am focusing on families and children, and hopefully next week I'll get to blogging some of the brides that I've met this summer. That's the plan anyways.

Meet the M family. Chasing 4 girls is no small thing. I was so impressed by their cute smiles and unique personalities. I love sisters. I just think they are completely cute and there is no other bond like it. Congrats on the recent engagement guys, I am so excited that you have found each other and are so happy together. Such nice folks, it really was so great working with you guys! Hope you enjoy your fall and all the wedding prep! Best of luck M family!

1 comment:

Cortney said...

What sweet poses!! I love the backgrounds, too. I love that you found that train-so rustic. It all looks great! I'm glad you had such great weather.