Sep 28, 2011

Meet Logan: Memphis, TN Newborn Photographer

This little guy was three weeks old when we finally got together. Such a cute little one. The last two newborn sessions I have done have been not at my place, but I've been venturing out more to the homes of parents, and have been completely thrilled with the results. I love the challenge of working with lighting, and the diversity of props and such that you can be inspired by when you are in a completely foreign location. It didn't hurt that this mom has her home decked out like it's a showroom from the pottery barn catalog. I love it when little ones already have their mind made up about what they do & don't like. It just further solidifies my own theory that they come down from day one with their own little personalities. Thanks M family for opening up your home, to dad for taking big sister shopping and to the library so we could work, and for mom letting me rearrrange and play in your lovely home. Great family, sweet baby. Who could ask for more?

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