Oct 24, 2011

The G Family : Memphis, TN Family Photographer

Happy Monday all! In an effort to get everything done this week I got a jump on the morning and went to the store BEFORE the hubbie left for work at 8... Let me make it known, I am not a morning person, AT ALL. But it seems like with Halloween coming up life's going to be a bit insane this week. One of those things that has to be done dispite the insanity is catching up on the blog. So without further interruption let me introduce you to the G family...

A few weeks ago I got to spend some time getting to know this family a little better. I've known mom and dad for forever, but this was the first time I really got to spend some time around all the kids. So funny. And so much personality. Everyone looked gorgeous and the light was fantastic. It was a great evening all around. I love it when I have sessions and I look up to see that an hour has flown by. That means it's been fun, we've done lots of good shots, and everyone has had a good time. Thanks so much guys for being so willing to try new things and be game for anything! Hope you have a great fall!


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