Jul 11, 2012

To the Groom: Memphis, TN Wedding Photographer

One of the main reasons I love weddings is because the bride and groom always look fantastic. It makes it easy to have gorgeous pics when the people are gorgeous. And two things I know: most people in love are completely gorgeous, and I've never met anyone who looked bad all spiffed up in a white dress and tux. So...it's a no fail recipe for amazingness. 

A& Q were no exception. Together they looked AMAZING! The last day or so I've finished all the of the massive weddingness of the day and am going through and working on the bridal session, which you will see a few from below. It is by far my favorite part of weddings, because I can take bride and groom, away from all the crazyness and just try and capture them together, being themselves. They be gorgeous, I get to do artistic fun stuff. It's great. 

I'd like to take a moment to give some credit to the grooms. They deal with so much. From maintaining the perfect balance of being there to help make decisions, but still letting it be her decision, to being a shoulder to lean on, as well as a brute force for moving and decorating good. These grooms have just as much of a stressful day as the bride. My thanks go out to Q for handleing that stress so well, and for having such a great sense of humor about it all. 

Oh, and before I forget! And I've decided to run a contest for the year...Which ever wedding couple gets the most comments on their blog post gets a free session to be used at a later date of their choice. One comment, per person, per blog post, please. 

Enjoy the wedding parade! (up tomorrow...We are Family, la la la)  DSC_0418DSC_0042 DSC_0228bw 109-271 23-84 25-99 112-280

1 comment:

wedding photographers nj said...

Such a nice wedding photography you have shared. Thanks for this one.