Feb 11, 2014

Meet Mallory: Bartlett, TN Newborn Photographer

Meet Mallory. She is one month old, and we got to meet up last week. 

Can I say... Hands down the best one month old I've ever photographed. I was a little worried that she might be too awake seeing as how she was a few weeks older than I usually like to do newborn sessions, but she was a complete dream. I enjoyed our visit so much. Mom and Dad were so kind, and let me rearrange their dining room. I loved the ones of them holding her. New parents are so sweet. I love the attention and the wonder of it all. Mallory was so calm and such a smiley little thing. And those eyelashes... What a cutie! It truly was a pleasure. 

Thanks so much Juliann & Brandon for having such an angel baby! Enjoy your sneak peek!


Unknown said...

GORGEOUS~Like mother, like daughter. What a beautiful smile :)

Unknown said...

GORGEOUS~Like mother, like daughter! What a beautiful smile :)