May 7, 2014

Meet Lia: Cordova, TN Newborn Photographer

I feel like I'm playing catch up for the last few weeks of my blog silence. It's been so much fun to get to hang out with all these little babies the last few weeks. They have all been amazing, and oh so sweet. 

I was so excited to get to meet Lia. She comes from an amazing family. Her parents are some of the coolest folks that we happen to know. Laid back, so nice. They are great. So is it any wonder that Miss Lia would be completely laid back and chill? Not so much. She did amazing and I really enjoyed getting to meet her. Baby girls are just so dainty and gorgeous. There's no other way to describe it! 

Thanks so much Kristi for being so patient with how crazy our lives have been lately.

Enjoy the post! (It's totally not a peek, because they've already seen them all… Yay for catching up on the blog!) 

1 comment:

Kristi said...

These pictures are amazing! <3