May 26, 2016

Meet Colette: Cordova, TN Newborn Photographer

Here's another sweet little ray of sunshine to brighten your morning! Meet Miss Colette. I got to spend some time with her last week and she was the sweetest little thing. She started the session being a quiet observer of everything going on around. I think it was too exciting, but I was amazed at how content and peaceful she was. She's the youngest of six girls and I think being peaceful and content will be a great asset to her momma! Once we got her settled, there were a few moments that she smiled in her sleep and it made her whole face light up. It's so fun to see those moments, because I feel like they give you a glimpse of their little personality. So sweet. Thanks M family for letting me come and invade your home and snuggle your sweet baby! 

1 comment:

Karren said...

Beautiful! I can't believe the finished product, she wasn't being all that cooperative! You were so patient and gentle, you have a gift! Thank you, it was wonderful meeting you!