Oct 16, 2014

For Kelsey: Memphis, TN Senior Portrait Photographer

This past week, I got to meet up with Kelsey. She is a graduating senior of the Class of 2015 (good grief, that seems crazy…) and I was so impressed with meeting her. I love doing senior sessions. They always wear the cutest stuff, and have the most fun because you know they are so excited about being a senior, and what girl doesn't love to have her portrait taken? Easy going, so polite, and completely willing to be bossed around, Kelsey was a dream to work with. Especailly since we were braving the elements with all the storms we've had in these parts the last few weeks. You'd never know how cloudy and windy it was with her sunny smile. 

Enjoy your peek Kelsey, and thanks so much for giving me a call, it was great to meet ya! 

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