Nov 29, 2014

For Lauren: Germantown, TN Family Photographer

Another great session from last weekend coming your way. I love all the color and the fact that the weather was amazing both days. I love Novembers in Tennessee. Football, soup, and leaf color explosion. It's gorgeous. Add to that some really cute families and you've got a great recipe for portrait perfection! I love the little divas that the M family introduced me to last weekend. All girls have a little diva in them, and I think it's so fun to watch it emerge as soon as the camera comes out. They were adorable, and I think that being sisters is one of the sweetest relationships possible. I have two sisters that are remarkable women, and are my best friends. It's my hope that one day my own girls will be as close. So to see sweet sisters, as well as partners in crime… Well, it's just beautiful! These folks had some seriously awesome family group shots, so I had to share lots. I don't envy them having to pick and choose their favorites. What a fantastic end to a day! 

Thanks so much Lauren for letting me meet your gorgeous family and enjoy your peek! 


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