Aug 13, 2016

Victoria, Class of 2017: Memphis, TN SR Portrait Photographer

It's been a few months since I have had a senior portrait session, and I was so excited to get together with Victoria. I've know Victoria, because she's been part of the Memphis Pride Cheer family for the last few years. I've loved my time helping the Pride group the last 4-5 years. It's so fun to see how these girls change over the years, and grow in confidence as they come into their own. I'm always so impressed with the kids that cheer for Pride, they are hard working, driven group of kids who love each other and their coaches something fierce. It's been a great experience to watch. 

Victoria was so polite and gorgeous to top it all off! It was a pleasure to spend some time with both mom and grandma and despite the heat, we had a great time getting acquainted. I am so excited to share her images and hope that you guys enjoy your peek! Thanks so much for getting together! ( I promised their peek sometime Saturday, and I may just make it in the nick of time… Phew! Stay tuned for more gorgeousness over the next few days!)

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