May 22, 2016

Megan + Haldan, First Look: Memphis, TN Wedding Photographer

Get ready. There is gonna be a lot of love around here the next few days. I'd like to introduce Mr. & Mrs. Hansen by showcasing my top 10 favs of the day for the next week. Three weeks ago, I got to visit with and capture the wedding day of Megan and Haldan. It was beautiful. They were surrounded by so much good family and friends to help them begin this chapter of their lives together. It was a great day.

As any great day begins, you always have to have a "First Look". It was a windy, crazy spitting rain kinda day, so we took our bridal session indoors to the old Central Train Station Downtown. I love the way all of these images turned out. Beautiful folks make for great photography, and I think these two looked glamourous.  Okay, I'll stop gushing now, and let the images speak for themselves.


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